Water News Archive

Drainfield Size & Design

An important soil characteristic, the percolation rate, measures how long it takes water to drop one inch in a saturated hole dug in soil. Fast: 1 inch in 3 minutes (sandy soil). Slow: 1 inch in 48 minutes (clay soil). If it takes less than 5 minutes for the water to drop 1 inch in a saturated hole, the effluent will move too rapidly to be treated properly, such as in sandy soil.

Wastewater Professional Training Opportunities

Training Opportunities 2020 Professional Development Hours Training ONLINE CLASSES APPROVED!

Air Quality

The University of Nebraska is addressing air quality issues associated with animal agriculture in several ways because good air quality is very important to Nebraskans.

Bioretention Gardens

View examples of bioretention gardens in Nebraska.

Manure Management for Biosecurity

The potential for disease transfer due to manure handling equipment moving among manure storages or farms should not be overlooked. If a producer operates their own pumping equipment, they will know if PEDV or other diseases are a risk on their farm and should be able to take extra precautions to avoid spreading the disease to other facilities or farms that they own.

Sandpit Lake Basics – What is happening in the water?

The last “Sandpit Lake Basics” article talked about some of the basic features of sandpit lakes from the water source to the physical features of sandpit lakes.  This article will focus on what is happening in the water of a sandpit lake – something called the limnological characteristics.

Modern Manure Management Video

Have you ever wondered how technology is being used in modern manure management? Find out with the University of Nebraska's "Modern Manure Management" Video.

Soil & Site Evaluation

The ability of soil to accept water or for water to travel through soil is called soil permeability. Percolation is the movement of water through soil. A soil percolation test is designed to measure the rate of water movement in saturated soil (mimicking conditions that soil treatment systems have) so that one can decide the appropriate type and size of treatment system.

Efficient Indoor Water Use

Most people in the U.S. use 60 to 100 gallons of water per person per day. See the following Nebraska Extension publications to learn how to use water most efficiently in your home.

Controlling Emissions

Good stewardship calls upon livestock and poultry producers to limit emissions of air pollutants where feasible. Odor control practices and technologies may take several forms. Information on control strategies may focus upon the type of emissions controlled or the source of air emissions.

Rain Gardens

You can reduce water runoff from your yard by planting a rain garden. A rain garden is a small depression planted to flowers and ornamental grasses. It is designed to temporarily hold and soak in rain water from a roof, driveway or open area. A rain garden is not a pond or wetland. It is dry most of the time and holds water after a rain. Water collected in the rain garden slowly soaks into the soil and disappears in less than 48 hours.

Residue Management

The tilled plots in the foreground of this photo had considerable soil loss and runoff during intense spring rains. The tilled soil surface was susceptible to raindrop impact, causing erosion and surface crusting. The crop residue on the no-till plots in the background absorbed raindrop impact and allowed more water to infiltrate into the soil. With the improved soil structure, the crop is healthier in the no-till.

NAWMN Partners and Contacts

A full list of NAWMN Project contacts in Nebraska Extension as well as NAWMN Project partner contacts.

LB 677 and Its Impact on Nebraska Animal Feeding Operations

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules that took effect April 14, 2003 defined the procedures for defining animal feeding operations (AFOs) as well as concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). CAFOs are required to obtain a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit from Nebraska Department of Environment Quality.

Landscape Management Practices

Aim downspouts towards planted areas or pervious hardscape and away from impervious paved areas. Collect rainwater from rooftops in rain barrels or cisterns for reuse in landscape irrigation. Amend soil with organic matter. Core aerate lawns to help avoid or reduce soil compaction, increase water infiltration, and promote healthy root systems. Follow University and label recommendations and calibrate spreaders when using fertilizers and pesticides.  Only use these products when needed. Read and follow label directions for all lawn chemicals.

Tillage Concepts

Tillage of the soil has been used to prepare a seedbed, kill weeds, incorporate nutrients, and manage crop residues. The goal of the tillage system has been to provide a proper environment for seed germination and root growth for crop production.

Videos on Evapotranspiration Gauges and Sensors

See assembly and placement of an evaportranspiration guage, how to assemble and prepare watermark sensors, and more.

Am I Current with Inspections & Records?

Documentation is critical to demonstration of a CAFO's compliance with regulations and good environmental stewardship. Records are especially important if a farm experiences a spill. A farm's ability to demonstrate continued good management prior to a spill will be an important consideration in determining liability and potential penalties.


What is stormwater? It's water from rain or melting snow. Watch the video and learn about rain water runoff and why it can be a problem.

Pesticide Drift Reduction & Prevention

Pesticide drift occurs when pesticides are transferred in air away from the intended application site into adjacent areas. Pesticides can move as spray droplets, vapor drift, or solid particle drift.