Water News Archive

OFT Worksheet Version

Step-by-step instructions for using the worksheet version of the Odor Footprint Tool and an example completed worksheet are provided in the following documents.

Permeable Pavers

Permeable pavers let water pass through the spaces between them which are often filled with small gravel or sand.

Soil Structure

Soil is much more than the individual particles of sand, silt, and clay. Ideally, the soil should be one-half solid materials (sand, silt, clay, nutrients, minerals, organic materials, and biological life) and one-half pore space (half of that containing water and the other half being air space). Biological life and organic matter provide the "glues" to create soil aggregates, forming soil structure.

Extension Publications

NAWMN Weekly Data Collection Form Using Modified Atmometers (ETgage®) for Irrigation Management Describes the atmometer (evapotranspiration gauge) and explains how it can be used for irrigation scheduling. Examples are provided to show how information collected with an atmometer can be used to estimate crop water use for corn and soybean. PDF version (975 KB)

Water Quality

Contaminants such as gases, minerals, bacteria, metals, and other chemicals suspended or dissolved in drinking water can affect your health and influence the quality of your water. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established limits, or standards, on the concentration of certain drinking water contaminants allowed in public water supplies.

Land Application Training Requirements

The NPDES permittee, authorized representative, or an employee of the operation shall complete a land application training program approved by the Department within 180 days of NPDES permit coverage unless such training was satisfactorily completed in the previous 5 years. Additional training is required every 5 years.

Key Tips for Reducing Pollutants

Water pollution can come from a variety of sources. Soil, grass clippings, fertilizer, pesticides, paint thinners, and motor oil can pollute water if picked up by stormwater runoff.

Reducing Off-Site Movement of Atrazine and Pesticides

The US Environmental Protection Agency is conducting an intermediate reassessment of atrazine label certification to ensure the safety of atrazine found in streams for aquatic life and human health. As part of this effort Syngenta was required to set up 40 monitoring stations in potential runoff sites across the Midwest.

Focused Watershed Projects

Focused watershed projects bring together the combined resources and knowledge of many agencies and organizations to solve local watershed issues. Focused watershed projects that involve University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension include the following. (By clicking on the linked titles you may go to the individual project Web site.)

Shoreline, Streambank & Lake Restoration

Shoreline and streambank protection is critical to maintaining water quality in streams, rivers and lakes. Degraded shorelines around lakes and along stream banks increase the likelihood of pollutants such as sediments and nutrients reaching the water and contributing to decreased water quality. Implementing best management practices in and around lakes and along streams can greatly reduce water quality problems.

NDEQ Resources on Regulations

The NDEQ Web site provides numerous publications to assist producers with Title 130 compliance including annual report forms, applications and forms, fact sheets, guidance documents, and standard operating procedures.

Sustainable Landscapes

Landscapes which are sustainably designed, installed and managed conserve water, lower the rate and volume of runoff water from rain, snowmelt and irrigation, and help reduce the amount of pollutants reaching surface water. Water related benefits achieved with sustainable residential, business, and community landscapes include:

Chemical & Physical Characteristics of Pesticides

Understanding the chemical and physical characteristics of a pesticide allows the applicator to make better decisions about which pesticide active ingredient and/or formulation to use for a particular situation. Two chemical characteristics of interest are water solubility and volatility. The more water soluble a pesticide is, the greater the potential for runoff and leaching. The more volatile a pesticide is, the greater the potential for drift.

Publications on Watersheds & Watershed Management

Sediment, nutrient, and pesticide losses in runoff are major pollutants of surface waters in the Midwest. Targeting of Watershed Management Practices for Water Quality Protection addresses best management practices in watersheds or landscapes to maximize the impact of investments in water quality protection. This full-color, 23-page document is intended as a resource for those who advise on or practice land and water management.

Water Quality Protection Practices

Nonpoint source or runoff pollution is harmful to the water quality of our lakes, ponds, and streams. Many of our daily activities contribute to runoff pollution leaving our property and harming our lakes, ponds, and streams. Water quality protection practices help to reduce runoff pollution and protect our water resources.

Policy & Regulations

Livestock Waste Regulations in Nebraska are administered by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality. NDEQ administers both state and federal (EPA) environmental regulations. The governing regulations are called Title 130, Livestock Waste Control Regulations.

How and Why to Separate Turf from Ornamentals

Regardless of the mix, the goal for green minded gardeners is to grow, plant and care for healthy landscape plants and turf. One of the most important factors in the success of these endeavors is getting to know specific needs of the plant material and how they can be combined effectively in a landscape without compromising the needs of each component.

Graywater Use in Nebraska

With the forecast of another dry year, more people are inquiring about reusing their graywater to water their plants or lawn with. It is not legal in Nebraska to discharge untreated graywater. Wastewater in Nebraska is comprised of graywater and blackwater. Graywater is defined in Nebraska Onsite Wastewater Regulations as water that has been used for bathing, laundering clothes, and sink waste that is not kitchen sink waste. Blackwater is water that carries off waste from toilets, urinals, and kitchen sinks.

Irrigation Scheduling

G1579, Using Modified Atmometers (ETgage) for Irrigation Management Describes the atmometer (evapotranspiration gage) and explains how it can be used for irrigation scheduling. Examples are provided to show how information collected with an atmometer can be used to estimate crop water use for corn and soybean. PDF version (975 KB; 4 pages)

Regulations & Policies

Nebraska water resources play a major role in the state's heritage and economy. Beginning with the state constitution, Nebraska surface waters have been governed by the Appropriative First-in-Time, First-in-Right Rule which allows diversion of water from the surface waters of the state based upon the date the water right was obtained. Surface water rights entitle land owners or organizations to remove a set amount of water from a specific location.