Past Events Archive
2013 Advanced Bioretention Design Workshop, March 20, 2013
2013 Post-Construction Stormwater Management Workshop, March 21, 2013
Keynote Speakers
Breakout Sessions
- Infrastructure Work and Collaborations with the EPA for the Omaha CSO Program: Jim Theiler, City of Omaha
- Reducing Stormwater Volumes with Green Infrastructure Techniques. Examples from Douglas County: Kent Holm, Douglas County Environmental Services
- UNO Bioretention Garden Case Study: Design, Funding and Client Perspective: Steve Rodie, UNL; John Royster, Big Muddy Workshop; Ryan Bentley, Big Muddy Workshop; Christina Hoyt, Nebraska Statewide ARboretum; Andy Szatko, City of Omaha
- Urban Bioinfiltration Case Studies: Tom Bentley, Kinghorn Gardens & Bryan Kinghorn, Kinghorn Gardens
- Bioswale Comparison in Culvert Extension Project: Allison Krohn, NDOR
- Impacts of Impervious Surface Areas: Andy Szatko, City of Omaha
- Green Infrastructure Modeling for Missouri Avenue/Spring Lake Park Sewer Separation Project: Rocky Keehn, SEH
- City of Dubuque, IA Data Collection Methods: Dean Mattoon, City of Dubuque, IA
2012 Nebraska Post-Construction Stormwater Management Conference: Bioretention Garden Preworkshop, March 20, 2012
2012 Nebraska Post-Construction Stormwater Management Conference, March 21, 2012
Keynote Speakers
- Forging the Link: Linking the Economic Benefits of LID and Community Decisions - Dr. Robert Roseen , Director, University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center
- Climate and Land Use Consequences to 100-Year Flooding - Robert Roseen, P.E., Director, University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center
- Multi-variate Study of Stormwater BMPs - Jim Schuessler, ASLA, PLA, LEED AP, BNIM, Inc., Kansas City, MO
Breakout Sessions
- City of Omaha Infiltration Study: Performance Assessment of Two Stormwater BMPs for Infiltration, Water Quality, & Vegetative Growth - Presentation - Ted Hartsig, Olsson's & Assoc. & Andy Szatko, City of Omaha & UNL
- City of Omaha Infiltration Study - Report - Ted Hartsig, Olsson's & Assoc. & Andy Szatko, City of Omaha & UNL
- Towne Centre Case Study - Applying the Runoff Reduction Methodology Enables Credible Cost Comparative Analysis & Incentives for Innovative Implementation of BMPs - Ryan Bentley, Big Muddy Workshop
- Performance of Established Rain Gardens in Lincoln, NE - Thomas Franti, UNL
- Plant Survivability & Homeowner Perceptions in the Holmes Lake Rain Garden Pilot Program - Kelly Feehan, UNL
- Emerging Plant Possibilities for Bioretention - Bob Henrickson
- Monitoring 101: Collecting data for urban watersheds in a post-construction environment - Rebecca Kauten, Senior Research Associate, University of Northern Iowa
- Antelope Creek Watershed Basin Management Plan - Jon Trombino, P.E., EA Engineering, Science, and Technology; Jonathan Mohr, EA Engineering, Science, and Technology
- Case Study: Bioswale Construction – A Learning Process - Selma Kessler, P.E., CFM, Civil Engineer, City of Omaha
- Southland Lane Detention Pond Project is a "classroom" for future green infrastructure projects in the City of Brookings, South Dakota - Rocky Keehn, P.E., D.WRE, LEED AP, Senior Water Resources Engineer, Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc.
- Omaha Regional Post-Construction Stormwater BMP Design Manual Update - Andy Sauer, P.E. CDM Smith
- Perspective of a Phase II community: Lessons learned in our first permit term - Annie Folck, Stormwater Program Specialist, City of Scottsbluff, Nebraska